About Us
Today, humans live and surround their lives with technologies and innovations, which are different from the past decades. After the world has changed, the lifestyle and the idea of having a family changed from what it traditionally was. Many families have struggled to get through the problems, set up their families, and collect life experiences. Once they would like to start a parent role who has a lovely baby, it is not as easy as they expect.
With a full understanding of infertile parents, our expert team at Gina Fertility Studio involves specialists, scientists, and professional nurses who have high experience, welcome and are very delighted to advise all of you with care and close attention with high-tech equipment to ensure that childbearing is not only a dream, as we believe that
“A child is a miracle and
gift we can create.”

About Us
“Mother” is an important person who fosters a child since he was in the womb until they grow up. Mothers are the angel to the child or the queen of the family. For this reason, the term “Gina” meaning an angel or a queen, is selected to name our studio. Gina also means a smart and nice person from a good family. At Gina Fertility Studio, we understand the different needs, limitations, and problems of an individual and family. Therefore, we are determined to set this place as a “studio” where our team can employ their novel and standard medical “science” in addition to the “art” to design the “tailor-made” treatment to suit each individual needs. Even though we are not a large healthcare facility, Gina Fertility Studio is ready to offer professional and friendly medical service to everyone.
Goal of Gina Fertility Studio
Gina Fertility Studio is determined to assist all couples who wish to have a baby to fulfill their family. At Gina Fertility Studio, we have a team of expert doctors who have experience in infertility and infertility screening for men and women to diagnose and set an appropriate treatment plan for each couple with the most suitable approach.
Gina Fertility Studio selects the up-to-date and suitable technology for each couple to offer the most appropriate treatment aiming for the treatment efficiency and effectiveness, rate of success, and reasonable expenses. We also strive to utilize novel treatment technologies for the ultimate treatment efficiency.