“ A child is a miracle

and gift we can create.”

Gina fertility studio

Our Service

Intrauterine insemination

( Intrauterine insemination, IUI )

Testicular Sperm Extraction

( Testicular Sperm Extraction, TESE )


( In Vitro fertilization )


(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

Embryo Cryopreservation

( Oocyte/Sperm/
Embryo Cryopreservation )

Genetic Testing

( Pre-implantation Genetic Testing,

Embryo Cryopreservation

( Oocyte/Sperm/Embryo Cryopreservation )

Embryo Transfer (ET)

Embryo transfer is to deliver the quality embryo growing in the lab to a woman’s uterus. It is the final step of IVF. ET can be processed with two methods.

  1. Fresh Embryo Transfer (Fresh ET) is to transfer the embryo to the uterus within the egg collection cycle, mostly 3-5 days after egg collection. The doctor will consider this method if the couple has a low number of embryos that are not strong enough for cryopreservation. For other couples, the thickness of a woman’s endometrial tissue on the transfer day must be appropriate and quality.
  2. Frozen-Thaw Embryo Transfer (FET) is to transfer the frozen-thaw embryo to the woman’s uterus after preparing endometrial tissue. The doctor considers this method for a couple who has a good quality embryo, exceeding numbers of stimulated eggs in one cycle which is risky to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) if pregnancy is positive, or thin endometrium which is not suitable for a fresh cycle. The doctor will consider this method case by case.

Oocyte Freezing

It is to take oocytes collected from ovarian stimulation to freeze without fertilizing with sperm to fertilize them in the future. A person who wishes to freeze an oocyte should have one or any of the following conditions.

  1. Oocyte freezing before the wedding for fertilizing with the legal husband’s sperm in the future.
  2. Oocyte freezing of the woman before having a treatment that might damage the gamete or oocyte, i.e., chemotherapy or radiation.

Oocyte freezing is becoming popular today because women are likely to get married or have a child when they are ready, which is when they are older. Therefore, there is a risk of infertility or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI). Oocyte freezing frost the oocyte age at the time of collection. Oocyte quality and after freezing depends on the quality of the oocyte before freezing and the woman's age on the egg collection day. After thawing the frozen oocyte to fertilize with sperms, the number of the developed embryo might be fewer than the frozen numbers.

The steps of oocyte freezing are similar to the ovarian stimulation in the IVF approach but without fertilization. The person who wishes to do egg freezing must have a health check and blood test for preliminary evaluation. If the forbidden congenital diseases are not detected, ovarian stimulation can be processed. After collecting oocytes, they will be grown in the culture medium and frozen in a lab under the appropriate temperature and environment for further use.